Posts Tagged ‘Pam Younghans’

Pluto and Planetary Energies for July 20 to 26, 2015

Your Guide to Planetary Energies for July 20 to 26, 2015
By Pam Younghans
For the full article go here.

IT’S BEEN an exciting week for astronomers and astrologers alike, as we’ve seen the first “up-close” photos of Pluto, taken by the New Horizons spacecraft from 476,000 miles away. It’s amazing to me how scientists can glean so many details about a planet from images, especially taken from that distance.

I’ve received more than a few emails from clients and readers this week, wondering how all of this relates to the practice of astrology — and noting with interest that the first photos arrived the same day that Pluto opposed Mercury and Mars last week.

ASTROLOGY is both a science and an art. The practice of interpreting the meanings of the planets begins with mathematical calculations and scientific data, but also involves understanding symbolism and synchronicity. When a “new” planet is discovered by science, or we gain new information about an established celestial body, it represents our collective readiness to become more conscious with respect to what that celestial body means in our experience.

For instance, in the years following the discovery of “the Wounded Healer” Chiron in 1977, there was a dramatic increase in the number of people who became aware of traumatic childhood memories that had been repressed, who began working for the first time on healing their core wounds. Before Chiron came into our awareness, therapy was commonly seen as something needed by only someone with mental illness. By the mid-1980s, seeing a therapist for personal issues was much more widely accepted, and by the mid-1990s, information gained through accessing repressed memories was allowed as evidence in criminal trials. Today, seeing a counselor is accepted as commonplace.

Synchronistically, the movie “Annie Hall” came to theaters the same year that Chiron was discovered. If you’re not familiar with the Woody Allen film, its main characters spend a great deal of time in psychoanalysis, trying to understand the childhood issues that have affected their ability to form healthy relationships. “Lah-dee-dah.”

AS WE CONSIDER what these “close-ups” of Pluto may mean symbolically, it is interesting to read the headlines penned for various online articles. I like two that I saw in particular: “Pluto Is an Icy Planet with a Heart” and “Pluto Fly-by Is a Journey of Self-Discovery.”

Anyone who has worked closely with a Pluto transit can verify that it does indeed take us on a powerful “journey of self-discovery.” We are also aware that at times the planet can seem “icy” — ruthless and uncaring. And yet, by the time a Pluto transit is completed, we are usually aware of the “heart” behind the experience, the benefits ultimately gained.

MORE INFORMATION about Pluto will become public knowledge as scientists explore the images and share their observations over the weeks, months, and even years ahead. Correspondingly, we may experience a deepening of our understanding about many of the themes that Pluto represents astrologically: death and the afterlife, the process of emotional catharsis and transmutation, the use and abuse of power, and psychic development and the occult.

Or, as I responded to one person who emailed me this week, “Seeing Pluto up close as a collective is a powerful concept. There are so many things that Pluto represents, each of us can take the new consciousness to whatever level we choose. I especially like that Pluto, as the higher octave of Mars, represents Higher Will. Perhaps we are ready to connect more consciously with Higher Will than we’ve ever been before.”

Full article here.

2011, a year full of change and transformation.

December 2012 is now less than 2 years ahead. December 2012 earth will have a special planetary constellation and will be in one line with the eye, the center, of our galaxy.  The most clear information about that comes from the great Maya calendar.
Ian Lungold tells a lot and clearly about that.
The next parts are on youtube.
Bashar explains here what it means, December 2012. It is a breakpoint.
In 2012 the leading edge of the collective consciousness will be crossing critical mass threshold therefor there will be more positive momentum than negative momentum. We will flow more with the positive sides of everything while until then we rather went along with the negative.
This year already started beautiful with 01-01-(20)11. 😀
And a partial solar eclipse on the 4th of January. 
In 2011, more of what doesn’t work for the greater good, for the higher and the oneness of All, will disappear or change.
Also more of what doesn’t work anymore and is kept hidden will come to light.
The planet Mars, the action planet, will come in Aries this year in March and will give much energy which will bring us out of the borders we now still experience. It will stimulate self consciousness and higher consciousness.
Jupiter will also go into the sign Aries what brings the energy of intuition and curiosity.
Uranus also goes into Aries what gives the energy of sudden changes.
Saturn and Jupiter will be in opposition in Aries and will bring rebellion and going against things. We will not just accept what is dished.
The universe gives us the energy that stimulates to let go of the old and to stand up for ourselves, to be innovative and to move powerfully forwards.
To be independent and not go along with the mass consciousness which, for the most part, still has the negative as a focus point (just look at the news and newsprograms). To be the leading edge that is the breakpoint for 2012.
Letting go of the old this year (and always) we don’t want to do by rejecting the old but by accepting. We don’t move boundaries by seeing the old boundaries as bad, we do it by embracing the old boundaries as part of the process and regarding them as fantastic till now. It was/is good as it is and change is the only constant in life. Don’t look back, look forward. See everything as part of the process.
Just like Einstein didn’t say he made a 1000 mistakes before he had it right. He said I learned from/of 1000 possibilities till I had one that works like a charm. Everything part of the process.
And even then it doesn’t stop. Development remains.
This year the universe gives us the energy to bring body and spirit closer to each other. More consciousness of spirit, of Source.
We will increase the connection with the greater that we are, the Source. ‘Alternative medicine’ will be even less alternative and we will be much more aware of the power that we are and Self-healing.
The spiritual development that is become more clear for several years now, will be more evident for the mass.
Especially the masculine has all the potential to develop in powerful action which is good for the bigger picture. More from the heart and less for personal profit and to just bring food on the table at the expense of themselves, the family (less of ‘who is that man who cuts the meat every Sunday’) and the earth.
This is not only for men. Women also will develop the masculine in themselves with powerful action.
All these changes and movements are going on already for some time and will only get more clear this year. We are saying for some years now, time is going so fast and we don’t seem to be able to keep up with the changes. This will continue for a while, so, fasten you seatbelts , ready for take of! 😉 😀
In general we wish each other a beautiful new year, I say, “I know we all have a beautiful new year!’. 
PS For more astrological information see Pam Younghans and Joseph Anthony.

The day of the light, winter solstice, full moon and a lunar eclipse all in one.

Today (tonight officially) is winter solstice. We have the shortest day of the year. And with that the day with the least sunlight of the year. A great reason to celebrate the light!
When I look outside here in the Netherlands there is nothing dark. We have so much snow this dark day is very light.
Also the decoration with Christmas lights in and around the house makes that we extra enjoy the light these days.
Last week I was in the dance school, I’m there every week ;), and it was very quiet there. I made the remark, the dark days before Christmas, they don’t want to go through the cold to come and dance. One lady freaked out a bit. She said, please don’t say it. I feel it too.
I immediately said,actually, these are the light days before Christmas. Lots of cheerful lights everywhere.
When I was young we only had lights in the tree and really only a few days before Christmas. These days there are people here who already have Christmas decoration in October and we became very enthusiastic with the lights and the glitter.
We are doing it already for years, changing the dark days into light days!
Today we also have a full moon (full light) and a full lunar eclipse in de last degree of Gemini.
The last degree means it is the culmination of everything which is related to the sign. Like a closure.
We are having a series of full moon in the last degree. We already had it and there are coming more. All closures and new beginnings.
This full moon and lunar eclipse in Gemini gives us the energy to express more our deep truth. To communicate our inner knowing. To not explain and debate so much that we loose sight of the thing it is all about.  To express transparent, bright and clear what we find and feel is true.
It is going on some time now, this energy of truth, what is clearly in the bigger picture with the church and the truth which has come to light, the banks, and their mismanagement, countries and their hidden mismanagement, which is all out in the open now, and Wikileaks.
There is a great article about Wikileaks and the truth of us all on the blog of Arjuna Ardagh, ‘Wikileaks, You, and Me’.
Mercury is still retrograde. Retrograde means that it seems as the planet is going backwards, which is not really so. Mercury stands for communication and because of the retrograde, the standstill, it strengthens, not saying something immediately and first take a breath and from there, with more calmness and more clarity, communicate the things we really want and feel. To take the time to tune into the inner truth.  
Mercury also stands for transport. And with the winter weather in Europe we transport ourselves and goods these days much more easy for sure. Quick quick is not possible.
Since year 1 of our calendar it has happened only one time before that there was a winter solstice and lunar eclipse on the same day ( a few ours difference officially) So that is quit special. More reason for celebration. 😀 And more reason for contemplation, I would say. There is a lot of special energy around.
With all these new beginnings, the winter solstice which is the beginning of lighter days, the full moon as a new beginning, the eclipse, almost Christmas as a celebration of the light, love and eternal life and almost a new year (2011 is a year with the master number 11 and today 21-12-2010 is only when we look at the numbers a masterful figure :D) today is a wonderful day as preparation for a wonderful year wherein the light will come to light more and more!
Jennifer Hoffman wrote in her newsletter of DEC. 20 some things about today, click here to read, and a unseal Pam Younghans has written in her Journal, click here to read that.  
I whish everyone a festive light day and a merry, joyful Christmas full Light and Love!

Letting go and healing.

It is now October and autumn is here with wonderful summer days in the Netherlands!
Schools have started and my daughter has also started a new school. She is required till her 18th, and even though I know there are always choices and we, everybody, creates our own reality it still seems easier to go along with the school obligations. The option to go traveling came by, away from obligations and the attendance officer.
What my daughter really wants is singing and doing things with singing only the education’s/schools which we have in the field of music didn’t make her feel real passionate and the school she subscribed to ‘forgot’ to invite her to the auditions. So she is doing a education to arrange events.
We already started really good this school year with a lot of grumbling about ‘crazy’ teachers and ‘crazy’ rules. And I who likes to make everything the nicest as can be don’t find it as easy to listen, so my daughter can express herself, stay in my own cheerful positive energy, make the whole grumbling as short as possible and say as little as possible. Minimize appointing the positive side, that she always everywhere decides for herself how she feels and what she thinks, and agree as little as possible whit her commenting, because so many teachers and school systems are still ‘out of the vortex’.
Throughout this all, in the 4 weeks she is going to school, she has already (or maybe only :D) stayed home feeling ill for 3 times.
Last week it was a muscle thing, her back, shoulder, neck felt painful and in a knot.
That morning I was listening to Jennifer McLean of Healing With The Masters in an interview with Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong who was doing a healing technique. (Healing With The Masters is still on and you can still subscribe to the series)
I have always been doing energy healing especially with my daughter and mostly she is immediately healed, except the time I doubted and the doubt came often because I could feel it was a better option to be home ill/healing than healed back to school.
Last week after listening to Chunyi Lin I did the Sword Fingers technique with my daughter. I knew she would very much like to feel better because she wanted to go to dance class that evening. Everything happened with such great confidence in me and in her it immediately untangled her. 😉 She felt totally healed.
Since Monday she felt flu-ish and with a cold. Monday I did the healing again, the Sword Fingers technique, and she felt much better only not totally healed. When I did the healing I already felt this could be a doubtful case.
I was mostly occupied with letting go of my doubt and just heal without thinking things like, than she can go to school ‘normally’ which is better, lots of (not so nice) things going on with not going to school and the attendance officer regularly at school.
Personally I find it quite a thing that my daughter has been home for almost three months for vacation and before that not going to school much. So lots of feelings and thoughts with me, school is nonsense as we still do in our society only I also find it quite an exercise to be home together a lot.  
Chunyi Lin says we are all healers and I say that too. He says, believe it will work and it works, and don’t believe that it works and it still works. I find that true only I did notice that it sometimes works less or half because of doubt of the healer or the one being healed, or because feeling ill somehow has an ‘advantage’. Than it becomes healing out of the vortex and it won’t work a 100%.
Indra, my daughter, just became 17 and the biggest exercise for me is to let go more and more. A big exercise because it seems so confusing. In society and school teens are just as easy being treated like they don’t know anything themselves and can’t decide what is good for them while at the other side they get treated like they are adult already only refuse to cooperate. They don’t listen , don’t do what they have to and so on.
The exercise for me is to let go of her and the rest. Even the laws and rules which are made by government. For myself that is easier to do than it is for her. Which is very logical because I can’t live for her, so she makes her own decisions with my cooperation or not. Her own vortex.
Step by step my daughter and I are growing to a ‘new form’. In the world and not of the world. The most joyful for her, me and everybody.
It is nice to see that the theme relations are in the stars. Venus going retrograde for example. Like every week Pam Younghans writes beautifully about the influence of the stars and planets in her Journal here.  
Abraham Hicks stays a great teacher. Teachers. 😉 A few days ago I heard this one from Abraham and that is the boost I can really use at the moment.
I am (and feel) proud with my daughter!
In one of my last posts here, on July 11th, I wrote, ‘I can feel for a while now that two blogs is to much and it is good to make a decision either to go on only in dutch or only in English.’
I thought I would concentrate more on the Dutch blog than on the English because there is already so much in English and so little in Dutch.
I have seen though that my blog in English is often visited more than the Dutch version and I enjoy than so much.
For now I have decided to write once a week. One day I write in Dutch and the next day I will translate it for the English blog. Even though I think big potions in English I write in Dutch in the first instance.
I also want very much to expand the Dutch site and I have (made :D) time for that than.
I also want to mention that Lisa Garr has started again with The Aware Show with fantastic speakers.
The theme is connecting spirituality and science.
And Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan started with a series of interviews about kids and teens for parents, teachers and everybody who is involved with children and teenagers.
There will be lots of fantastic speakers. All interviews will be online for free for 48 hours so everybody can listen when it is convenient and if you want you can purchase the whole series for your ‘bookcase’. 😀 
Last Chunyi Lin on youtube with the Sword Fingers technique. His aim is a healer in every family and this technique makes everybody a healer!

Congratulations Spain!

The extreme heat in the Netherlands is over, the temperature is down, the WC is over and we are a proud second in the tournament.
Spain played well and even without electric/magnetic bracelets became first. 😀
I award Spain with my heart. Great football/soccer and fantastic for Spain, which as a country doesn’t go very smooth yet financially, to feel the solidarity and togetherness and use it to prosper on all fronts.
For the Netherlands it is good to keep in mind that a small country is great too and we can see and feel that ourselves. The size of a country and the amount of the population doesn’t say anything about strength or value and worthiness. Strength and worth are in the heart, in the power to bind and to share. Bridge builders. 😉 Yesterday for sure the whole of Netherlands was a bridge of people who where partying together.
Despite of the, in my opinion, to many violations of the dutch players I am surely proud of the ball return (which went a bit messy so there almost was a goal :D) and the congratulations of the players to the Spanish team!
Tomorrow from the Chopra Center there is a teleseminar, ‘the Answer is Inside’, given by Dr. David Simon and davidji.
Dr. David Simon had surgery about three weeks ago on a tumor in the brain and is a fantastic teacher! That makes this teleseminar more special, I think.
You can subscribe for the seminar here and read more about David Simon here.
Tomorrow there is also a teleclass from Jeanna Gabellini en Eva Gregory from ‘Abundance Abounds’, ‘The Prosperity Challenge’. You can subscribe here (at the top is says ‘go here to tune into the Prosperity Challenge’), also for the replay.
Finally some more on the solar eclipse of yesterday, Pam Younghans writes about that in her journal which you can read here.
Have a great week!

Lunar and solar eclipse June/July 2010.

 There is a lot written about the lunar eclipse of June 26, the solar eclipse of July 11and some other important activationmoments for this summer.

Manuela van der Knaap, a dutch astrologer, writes:

The lunar eclipse of Saturday the 26th of June is an important moment in our evolution. During this eclipse a very old problem will come to a new synthesis. This is a potential moment where authority and equivalency can meet each other in a new way. The birth of something new. This is a new way of leadership which fits with the new Aquarius time period and probably will make hierarchies superfluous. Also consciousness can get to more formative forces so the Higher Self (Godspark) possibly can get more government, independent power. Also administrative affairs (structures) in our society can come to refreshing new solutions or meet sharply.  There is, right now, no concept for that, time and experiences will learn us what we will do with this potential as a collective.

Very nice to see how that will develop with the Word Cup football (soccer ;)) related to using technique to support the referees. 😀
Great to think forward with the next EC which will be in 2012 and the WK in 2014.
2012, the point in our time wherein we will reach the point of more positive energy than negative.

Bashar explains it in a fantastic way.  

Manuela van der Knaap also writes: Also July 11 the solar eclipse contributes to this potential growth. An other important moment is august 7 when a great cross will be around earth.

For people who read dutch, you can read or download the two articles here (part 1) and here (part 2).

Pam Younghans also writes about these eclipses and this summer in her weekly journal, which you can read here (and can subscribe) and on her blog.  

Rev. Nina Roe of writes in her newsletter about a beautiful question from Archangel Gabriël related to the eclipses.

Archangel Gabriel: Let’s get specific. Try finishing this sentence… “If I had to choose one darker quality within me right now that needs to be brought to the surface and shown to the world as a gift, it would be __________________.”

Jennifer Hoffman of Uriël also writes some things about this time. On her site in the archive you can read the newsletters.

In the newsletter of June 28 she writes:
The energy shifts we experience take us inward, deep within ourselves, so we can uncover all of the baggage that we have accumulated over lifetimes of trauma, fear, disconnection from Source and our own power. We see this as a downward spiral because it can be so frustrating, take so long and while it is happening, nothing appears to progress in our lives. But it is really an upward journey because we have already gone down as far as we can and we are coming back to the surface, taking care of these energies as we ascend into our higher vibrations.

We have reached the bottom already and are on our way up. 🙂
The light spot is a LightSpot!

New moon healing week.

Today is a new moon, the first in this astrological new year (March 20) and special because this one is in alignment with the ‘new’ dwarf planet Eris. In the journal of Pam Younghans you can read more.
Today, on ‘The Healers Way’ from Angelique Bianca, started a healing week. This started specially today with the new moon. You can still subscribe, free, here.
To experience a week of wholeness with a group is a pleasure for body and mind. 😀
Day 1 is a meditation and a report from Barbara Robins. You can take a preview here.
All the information is on the subscribe page.
Have a great week in wholeness. 🙂

Sacred full moon today.

Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan, channeled by Terri Newlon talks about the ‘Christed Moon’ today, the first of 3 sacred moons of this year. The second is the ‘Wesak Moon’ and the third is the ‘Full Moon of Humanity’.
Djwhal Khul says about the full moon of today;
for Lightworkers, spiritual minded beings, those focused on enlightenment, this is a time during which things are heightened for you. In other words, if you desire to remember your dreams you are more likely to. If you desire to go deeper into meditation, you are more likely to.
He also says this is a good time for a sort of spring cleaning and list everything we have as a ‘to do’ list, with mundane things like cleaning the closet, career (writing a book for instance), love matters and spiritual focuses.
It is a time for refining and re-prioritizing, and have it clear.
In Pam Younghans’ journal  about today it says;
this Full Moon offers to help us find that place of equilibrium by highlighting the qualities that have been missing in our attitudes or perspectives.
Al together a full moon to enjoy fully! 😀

Today a new moon and a solar eclipse.

Today is day 15 of the new year.
We started this year with a lunar eclipse and a full moon (and a ‘blue moon’, a second full moon in a month) and today, on day 15, a new moon and a solar eclipse.
Today is also the day Mercury is going direct and Saturn is now two days retrograde.
Djwhal Khul says we will see arise more power and control issues.
That’s clear here in the Netherlands because we have a major issue around our involvement in Iraq. What we knew about nuclear weapons and if we did military things is been investigated by a commission, commission Davids,  and the results are not nice for our prime minister and the parties who governed back then.
Our prime minister doesn’t want to recognize the results of the investigation. 
Djwhal Khul says, Saturn, as a friend and teacher, will be synchronized with your Purpose. Mercury, as a communicator and teacher, will be synchronized with your Understanding. These two combined result in an easier experience and are very beneficial.
Pam Younghans writes this eclipse will work with the same energies and planets as the July eclipse of 2009, although from a different vantage point, in other words, triggering similar issues, but from a different angle. That July eclipse was in Cancer, signaling an opportunity to address our emotional needs more directly, to make sure our self-care is adequate for the journey ahead. This week’s eclipse is in the sign of Capricorn, telling us it’s time to put our healing to good use.
You can read more on her site or her blog.
Today, on this gorgeous day, we can listen to (and download) a conversation with Jean Shinoda Bolen on Women on the Edge of Evolution. It will be about; “Gather the women, save the world” is a message from Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Mother archetype, maternal instinct, the Sacred Feminine.
At 4 PM California time there is a conversation with Marianne Williamson en Jennifer Mclean. (Later on the same link will be the replay) Also female things. 😉 Marianne is organizing a ‘Sister Giant event’ about the roll of women in these changing times.
And Leslie Householder from the Jackrabbit Factor has a teleclass where she will talk about the hard lessons she encountered after writing the book.
She finds it quite exhilarating, I understand from her mail, to talk this honest about her hard lessons.
I’m sure it will be perfect, we want gladly ‘real life’ and transparency. Openness and honesty. That are the great teachings.
And today with the stars in (self)control and power it will be a perfect to day for that.
You can subscribe for the teleclass here, and for the replay.
Like Pam Younghans writes on her blog, that she feels different since the new year, I feel that too.
I can’t even describe what is different. I feel different, more lively, optimistic, sunnier.
Today feels even more a day full of cheer! 😀
That’s what I wish everybody, a cheerful day!

Old and New Year with a full moon and a lunar eclipse.

2009 was the year of completion. A masterly completion because when we add 2 and 9 it’s 11, a master number.
2010 will be a new beginning on many fronts. About the 10 is said in numerology (from different sources);
– 10 is a new transformation into a new cycle, 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. Number 1 is a positive number, the essence of all numbers which carries inside itself the complete circle of our awareness-evolution. Ten is equal to one because it expresses all the above. Zero behind any number gives the infinite, the possibility and the eternity of our evolution. 
– 10 The number 10 is the one on a higher level.
– 10 Every number is reduced to one number, except the numbers 10 and 11 (22 and 33). The number 10 is the Bright body.
The sum of 2 + 1 is the number 3 and about the 3 is said;
– 3 is feeling/sense, expression, creativity, music.
– 3 is optimism, charming, sense of humor, expressive, activity, communication.
– 3 The first male number (1 is a special case). The trinity: Father, mother and child and the Triple Goddess and because of that a powerful luckynumber. In Egypt is the holy triangle a symbol for the outside. Fertility, creation and balance, the mind, peace, justice, piety, temperance, virtue, potency, stability, strength.
This new powerful, creative, fertile, beginning will begin with a full moon and a lunar eclipse which in itself is a surprising new beginning. 🙂 Pam Younghans calls it the transformation moon.
When we have some ‘good intentions’ for this new year it might be a good idea to intent something with the inner mood and inner alignment instead of something like quitting smoking or losing some amount of kilo’s, pounds. 
My intention is a year full of ‘inside the vortex’, a year with deep connection with everything and everybody, a year with living from my heart, cheerful and charming. 😉 
I wish everybody a transforming, creative, musical, optimistic, charming and humorous year with a radiant body!